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Our Mission

Our mission is to apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a holistic synthesis of progressive spiritual and social action, including:

•Personal salvation through Jesus Christ, the filling and in-dwelling of the Holy Ghost, healing for body and mind, high moral and ethical disciplines, and the return of Jesus Christ.

•A struggle against all forms of oppression and exploitation, which often is manifested as racism, sexism, and classism.

•A struggle for human rights and self-determination for all people.

To Implement This Holistic Approach our ministries are:

PRIESTLY: Interceding with God through prayer, fasting, rituals, and ceremonies.

PASTORAL: Providing healing, counseling, and direction.

PROPHETIC: Critiquing society from a biblical perspective which often places God on the side of the oppressed, exploited, outcast, and impoverished.

PEDAGOGIC: Teaching not only great truths of scripture, but also secular history, particularly the truths related to oppressed peoples contributions to human kind.

PROGRAMMATIC: Developing educational, cultural, and economic programs and institutions.

POLITICAL: Creating and/or participating in the creation of organizations and/or coalitions which employ various actions to achieve human fulfillment.

We Believe…

       In God the Father, Maker of all things, Who is no respecter of persons; and we believe in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, Who was uniquely anointed to manifest God and to redeem humanity.

       That Jesus was essentially African in origin. While Abraham, the father, was located in Asia, after hundreds of years in Egypt, northern Africa — and Canaan — during which obvious assimilation of religion, philosophy, medicine, art, architecture, engineering, etc., occurred, what was passed on to Jesus was African-ness.

       That in His redemptive work, Jesus, employing different methods, identified with and focused His ministry primarily toward the poor, sick, powerless, and rejected.

      His Very Person and work (and also his servants in every age) produced an inevitable conflict with societal rules, Jesus’ redemptive work creates a new person, who in turn, constitutes a new society whose interests, values, mores, lifestyle, and ethics are/were often in direct conflict with systems and rulers of this world.

       That God, the Father, and Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, call, fill, and send human beings of every race, nationality, gender, class, and age to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ.

      That Jesus will come again — as He promised. While it is not absolutely clear what this means, we believe that when Jesus returns, there will be a dramatic supernatural in-break into history; at that point a new heaven and a new earth will begin in which peace and righteousness will flourish.

      That scientific discovery, space exploration, and political and economic revolutions are all part of the divine plan in which God, through Jesus Christ, is at work, moving all things toward His consummation.